New Year Resolution goals - do you set them?

New Year Resolutions??? – hmmmm – maybe – maybe not

I don’t believe in formally setting New Year resolutions - never have - BUT, I do set on-going goals. 

So why do I shy away from formally setting January or New Year resolutions?

Why is January so special?  To me - it’s not.

I think you should always have goals throughout the year.  

Something aspirational that takes skill, hard work, collaboration, and focus.

……and IMPORTANTLY …….cut yourself some slack if the timing is off.  The key is to be focused and truly working on them.  

Of course,critical and real” hard deadlines are to be met unless there are extenuating circumstances.  Also, when you commit to someone on timing you need to deliver – or give them plenty of notice and options to resolve if you can’t keep to your word.  

But in today’s environment of anxiety & stress don’t beat yourself up for being a bit off target.

If you find that is happening reflect on what is keeping you off target and then adjust.

I recently coached a friend who came to a holiday event a bit angry and being tough on themselves for not hitting a deadline.  For context they imposed the deadline on themselves.  There was no significant impact to being off timing – other than their frustration.  

To quote how they felt “I want to cancel my attendance at all further holiday events and just work on this stupid problem”.  Bah hum bug.

That was my clue to dig in with them and challenge their thinking. They had very valid reasons for being behind schedule, but they were not being kind to themselves in this reflection. 

 Basically, they had a goal and were falling short.   Well…. that happens sometimes. 

 Here was my guidance: 

1) Assess:  What’s the block to progress

2) Problem-solve:  Generate creative new solutions

3) Ask for help:   People have different insightful perspectives

4) Reset:  Timing & approach based on above reflections

5) Be kind to yourself:  You are in fact still progressing towards the goal

Having run through these 5 steps, they felt better and agreed to reset timing & approach. 

I poured her a drink and on with the party we went.


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