Career Stress & building resilience
Career Stress: The road is bumpy, but you can handle it.
I recently listened to a few podcasts on workplace stress & wanted to share a few learning points that resonated with me.
Career stress is a given for ALL of us – you can’t avoid it. So learn to be resilient.
5 thoughts on building resilience:
1) Believe in yourself. The capability to “navigate” challenges exists within you.
2) Ask for help. You don’t have to solve problems on your own. Consider what and who is needed to help you open doors.
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness – it shows your commitment to overcoming challenges efficiently.
3) Building resilience is key. You can ‘strengthen it’ by engaging in activities that energize you. So, find what recharges you -- and prioritize it! (we often don’t make the time under stress, but it will help give you the energy to solve the problem)
4) Surround yourself with positive influences.
5) Reflect on all the past times you have overcome challenges.
Remember: Managing workplace stress is about equipping yourself to navigate it effectively.
You can’t avoid it --- so be determined to get better at managing it!