Managing your career and stress.
Career chat with my favourite manager – GOAT - on managing your career and stress.
Note: The key filter was managing stress as it seems to be such a prevalent concern in the conversations I have with clients.
Let’s get to it. Here’s the…
🏆 Top 10. 🏆
1. Set boundaries between work and home (try not to cross them),
2. Clear the mind between work & home (do something that positively stimulates you)
3. Build trust and confidence with your manager up front
4. Treat people the way you want to be treated
5. Trust in your intelligence – seek feedback and watch for unspoken clues from people
6. ‘Preparation’ to help manage ‘presentation’ stress
7. Each job is a building block – reflect on core learning
8. Work for different people – reflect on management styles you like
9. Reflect on what you really like to do and what builds your confidence
10. Lead they way you want to be led
Hope it helps someone out there. Like I said - she was my GOAT.