Building critical & authentic connections
My Valentine’s Day post .... in the spirit of love, friendship & partnership…remember to nurture all 3 levels of your authentic work relationships.
You can’t be “friends” with everyone, but you can create authentic connections, that just may lead to long-term friendship as a wonderful bonus.
And if they don’t evolve into friendships -- the bonus is -- you’re creating authentic enjoyable connections.
I am a firm believer in making authentic work connections. I think you should approach colleagues with an open mind to get to know them.
You can’t do this with everyone, as there’s not enough time, but when you focus on building authentic connections you may just find the relationship evolves.
Here’s 3 levels of work relationships. (note: no science to these tag names – I made them up for fun)
Pleasantville: “Enjoyable Work Relationship”
An authentic “work relationship” is not only enjoyable, it helps you accomplish things in your career. It’s also important to your work culture that you get to know & enjoy the people you work with daily.
Lucky Level: “A Work Friend”
A “work friend” – is someone you work well with & also enjoy going out after work with for a drink or spending time with at a work conference. It’s a bit deeper on the “friend” level than the “enjoyable work relationship”.
Utopia: “A Personal Friend”
A “personal friend” is someone who you met at work, built a relationship with over time, enjoyed their company & are happy to spend your personal time with outside of work on an on-going basis.
In my opinion, these “utopia” relationships are at the top of the hierarchy for enjoyment & can also serve as being a trusted work advisor. What a combo!
I have been fortunate to have all three levels of work relationships.
In each case I always wish I had more time to spend with them, but alas life is busy --- and you do your best to juggle your time.
Make authentic connections and see where they go!
Happy Valentine’s Day