Be the Owner of your Growth and Development Plan

The best investment is in you …..and yes a growth and development plan takes time -- but it will pay back!

Whether you work at a company with a formal development process or a company with no process, you need to take the time & lead on making a growth and development plan for yourself.

Some companies don’t have a plan for their employees or have plans but don’t really pay close attention to their employee’s progress within the plan.

YOU need to take charge. 

Start with understanding what is needed to be successful in your current job.

Know the process for your year-end evaluation.  What does success look like for you in your role? 

 If your company does not have a formal growth and development plan process – CREATE ONE.


Consider 3 categories that address the What, Who and How of your job:

a.      WHAT major business accomplishments do you need to complete?

b.      WHO do you need to engage with in your department or across other departments?  

c.       How do you need to perform your job?  Do you need to show leadership, demonstrate influence, growth mindset, present confidently etc.


Determine where you will pick up the skills needed to accomplish the what, who and how.

·       On the job

·       Training - Courses

·       Job shadowing

Once this draft plan is complete involve your manager to edit and then get buy-in.

(See below for a simple format suggestion to capture your work)

When finalized, share the plan with HR to discuss opportunities for training and to get on their radar.

Most importantly - keep checking in on your progress and hold yourself accountable.

Summary: What do you need to do + Who do you need to help + How do you show up + Draft plan + Get buy-in = Development Plan


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