Career Chats - Critical Connections

It is not enough to just post your resume to a job board.  Networking and your connections are a critical element in finding the next job!  Some experts say over 80% of jobs are landed with the help of networking.    

So how do you build meaningful connections to people that can help you in your job search. 

One Way = Try asking for a “career chat”  

and essential…… is a plan to be efficient and purposeful with their time.

Here are some quick points to consider when asking for and having that career chat.

 1)      First things first.  Figure out some commonality to the person to capture their attention.   

Perhaps they know a friend or colleague of yours, or perhaps you follow them on linked in and frequently comment on their posts.   

Mention this connection when you reach out to see if they can give you 15-20 mins of their time and state what you are hoping to talk about (your meeting goal).

 2)      Set a clear meeting goal. (Examples below)

·       Learn potential career paths at ABC company that complement your skills.

·       Learn how they progressed to their job to help inform your career path.

3)      Have at least 3 communication points to support the meeting goal. 

What are you going to ask?

4)      Have a clear time-based plan for the meeting.

a.      Opening:

Thank them for their time and provide an overview of what you are hoping to learn.

b.      Who are you? 

Give them a quick overview – use your “elevator pitch”.

c.       Questions:

Ask questions in a memorable manner. (Example below)

What’s been the most fulfilling experience in your position?

…..versus the more traditional ………“Can you tell me about your job?”

TIP to move the move conversation along. “That is really helpful …and I was also wondering about….”

d.     Wrap up:

i.      Don’t go over set time.

ii.      Thank them and ask permission to connect on email or Linkedin.

5)      Keep the connection alive:

eg. Look for authentic opportunities to send them something they mentioned was of interest or you think is helpful and relevant. 

Or… Find time to comment on their posts. 

In summary: Find commonality + set meeting goal + plan messages + respect time + future connections.


Interview “conversations”


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