7 Steps to Landing a promotion!

One Minute Viewpoint:   How do I land the promotion?  …7 Steps

When people express to me a frustration in not being promoted fast enough, the first question I ask them, is what does “role mastery” look like in your current job.  I have been frequently surprised (no shame) in how many are not sure what current role mastery looks like and when they ask their manager sometimes there is not a clear answer coming back to them.  

But in most cases, you can’t progress until you master your current role.

So, in 1 minute, here are 7 things to consider for career advancement. 

1) understand what is considered mastery of your current role.  If there is not one articulated, then create one, and get buy-in from your manager.  Then don’t just do your job – do it with excellence;

2) know what you offer – think of your three best strengths and articulate them in an elevated and unique way.  For example, instead of saying I’m “good with people’ say I am a ‘trusted collaborator’;

3) Find out what skills and experiences are required for the next desired position;

4) Make your aspirations for advancement known.  Engage and connect. Have authentic conversations with the people in those jobs or the hiring managers;

5) Get experience or exposure to the things they will be looking for in a hire.  Ask for training or projects that support the skills needed in the next job;

6) make sure your resume is up-to-date and written with impact (frequently you need to provide your resume for internal job postings). Consider structuring job bullets using the STAR method.  Describe the ‘SITUATION/TASK, the ACTIONS you took and RESULTS you drove;

7) Be prepared for the interview.  Have answers prepared that demonstrate your personal exposure to the posted requirements.  Be ready for different styles of interview questions.  They could ask performance based or critical thinking based or case study type questions. Net-net of the 7 steps -- be purposeful in your plan for advancement.

Simple formula: Know what you offer + know what they need + get exposure + prepare = job advancement

How can I help you or someone you know with career advancement.  For more info visit www.career-confidence.ca

#careerperspective #gettingpromoted #careeradvancement


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