Look forward - When Something goes wrong at work.

How do you stop the emotional stress when something at work doesn’t go well or the way you wanted? 

Look forward – NOT back….well mostly forward.

Don’t get stuck in an emotional spiral that focuses on what has gone wrong and what is lacking ……rather focus on what has gone right and the unique qualities or solutions you can bring to a situation that could help solve or accomplish the issue at hand.

You WILL mess up or miss something in your job.  That is guaranteed.

….and DON’T focus on being a perfectionist to try and avoid any issues.  It will not be possible in the long term — and will exhaust you.

 So, WHEN things go wrong……

Here is a strategy or mindset to consider.  

Focus on thoughts and solutions that empower you versus tearing you down.

Spend MOST of your time thinking forward

Of course, you need to look back and do an assessment of what happened so you can learn and adjust. 

But do not beat yourself up about it!

You have MORE IMPORTANT JOBS FOR YOUR BRAIN and EMOTIONS that are focused on the new path forward. 

Problems take energy --- so give your energy to figuring out solutions not beating yourself up.

If you get called on the problem by your manager.  Own it.  Imagine saying ……“Yes I did miss that (xxx) and will take that away as learning, and here is what I am focused on to get us back on track.” 

That is the kind of employee I want on my team.   Someone who “owns it” and confidently moves forward!!!!

We are not perfect (or robots) and will make mistakes…..so learn from them. 

BUT give your emotional energy to the solutions and not to worrying about what you can no longer change in the past.   

(yes I know that is easier said than done….but fight that emotional battle – little by little you will get better at your focus forward.)

Remember …..the only thing constant is change, so get comfortable with mental agility that figures things out.

You need your energy focused on forward not back.

Summary: “stuff happens” + reflect + look forward + all energy on solutions 


Know what unique skills are in your Toolbox


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