Keep your skills up to date - your future ability to get hired & progress requires it

STOP putting your development LAST! -- Invest in Yourself & KNOW what skills & capabilities YOU -- HAVE -- WANT --- NEED.   ---- Your Future requires it!

I attended a presentation put on by #NextUp Women’s Association called…

Career Essentials – Future Ready Skills”. 

It was sponsored by Coca-Cola & the two amazing leaders from Coca-Cola @LisaFord @PatriceBeaman who gave the presentation, reminded me of why I loved my time at Coca-Cola.  Amongst many other reasons, the one that is motivating me to write this post is how they are always on top of training & development needs.

Lots of great career information was shared.


Know what you offer and what is needed by your company.

Here’s two sound bites from the presentation:

Six in 10 workers will require training before 2027, but only half of workers are seen to have access to adequate training opportunities today, according to the report.”

44% of workers core skills are expected to change in the next 5 years”.  (Source: World Economic Forum 2023 report)

With summer sadly coming to an end & back to “school” in gear for many youngsters, teenagers, early adults……why not re-ignite YOUR OWN learning or training plan.

….and I understand it’s hard to find the time. 

I remember my time at Coca-Cola & how busy it was to fit training and development into the day-to-day work pressure. 

But more than ever, it’s important for employees to work on ELEVATING their skills.   

FIND the time to elevate yourself!

Investing in you is the best investment for the future.


Career Advancement…know your superpowers