STAR-LINK interviewing
Nail Your Next Interview. The STAR Method of interviewing is not enough anymore!
You need to add a LINK.
Ask any Job Seekers & they will likely tell you how hard the job market is right now.
…..So how do you ensure - when you do get the interview - that you progress to the final rounds of interviewing & hopefully to a job offer.
Try STAR-LINK interview responses.
I don’t want to give up on the STAR method of interviewing as it is a great format (for 'behavioural" interview questions), so I am suggesting going forward to clients to add a LINK
– so think now STAR-LINK
Make the Link: Always “link” your STAR answer back to the job posting or (new) company objectives.
Show how your past experiences & skills align with what the employer is looking for so they clearly see how you can drive VALUE for them in the future. (this is also applicable for internal interviewing at your present company)
Situation: Frame the situation so it's easy to picture. Think “Story Headline”
Task: Give details on what you were tasked to accomplish including goals.
Action: What actions did you take that highlight your skills & abilities.
Result: What results did you drive.
Link: What did you learn & how can you apply it to the new job.
....Don’t forget, landing a job is not only about SKILLS……it's also about FIT.
They must be able to envision positively working with you on the team.
So…. Connect and be Conversational!
Keep this acronym in mind for your next interview: