Networking Event - No Thank You
I know how to Strike FEAR in you?
I just have to tell you to go to a NETWORKING EVENT & try to meet & connect with a bunch of STRANGERS.
I remember late in my career the feeling of walking into a ballroom of stakeholders who did not think very favourably about our company and the project we were working on.
So not a potentially positive environment.
(And staying in my hotel room was not an option)
My goal was to engage & educate these unknown stakeholders on the project benefits
……and convert them to supporters.
No Small Task --- given the starting point of mistrust amongst many of them.
Well fast forward…..
I was one of the last people to leave the ballroom having met & positively engaged with numerous stakeholders.
Here’s my advice:
For walking into that roomful of strangers.
KNOW Your:
1) Goal
2) Talking points -Topics
3) How to Introduce Yourself – your elevator pitch
4) Ask them Questions
5) Show Interest – especially when you don’t agree with something they say
6) Be Engaging – what’s your style (start by a smile & great eye contact)
7) Exit Line – Don’t let the conversation go too long
Try this EXIT LINE “this was so interesting thank you for the chat – enjoy the rest of the event”