Leaders be kind - to get the best performance
Hey People Managers Be KIND
…and Employee’s if they’re NOT then have the DIFFICULT CONVERSATION !
People managers – think - are you being kind? (and I get it – you need to drive results – which can be stressful on you)
I have quite a few clients come to me with a recurring theme that their managers are…. shall we say “NOT acting in an optimal fashion”.
REMINDER: Lead how you want to be led.
Here’s the business MOTIVATION
When your employee (AKA report) is emotionally upset (stressed) - they can’t think as well.
Hence, they can’t do their job as well. (this is a researched fact)
So…. if you want them to be productive and give their best then provide a supportive environment – not one that is undermining, impatient, unkind, unthoughtful, unrealistic…..
It’s just good business.
NOW Employees – if you manager is not getting it and constantly puts you under stress then you need to have the “difficult conversation”.
The conversation “should” be safe if it is done properly and links to the great work you want to do for the company.
I have a longer 10-step process for intense or high stakes conversations, but here is a simple culled version.
1️⃣ State the situation – what’s happening
2️⃣ State the impact on you – related to your job performance
3️⃣ State how you would like it to change to drive the best results …..for your work & the business.
Then be prepared to chat….
If you need some help becoming the best leader of people or an employee needing to have a difficult conversation -- reach out and I would be happy to chat about how I could help.