Growth Behaviours needed to achieve great things

One Minute Viewpoint: Achieving great things: Curiosity, Empowerment and Inclusivity

Sometimes we forget to keep it simple.  When faced with big challenges or stretching for lofty goals we can get caught up in the complexity of the problem or the politics of our corporate environments.   

I recently spoke to a leading financial institution’s Women Initiative Network about applying simple growth behaviours like curiosity, empowerment and inclusivity to help accomplish great business challenges.  

What I shared was a simple perspective on tackling the challenge’s complexity.

First, (for a lot of us) you need to deal with the potential Imposter Syndrome and fear or angst that comes with tackling a big challenge.  Work to reframe the challenge as a “gift of learning” and then bravely push forward and decide to take it on.  

Second, be CURIOUS, ask questions to get to know the challenge from many different angles and perspectives.  Peel that onion.

Third, give yourself permission to be and feel EMPOWERED and act like an owner.  Ensure while doing this to keep your manager in the loop and informed.

Fourth, be INCLUSIVE both internally and externally to engage others to help.  Problems are not solved by themselves. 

…..AND learn how to master “influence”.  Rarely do we have authority over everyone we need to solve a problem -- so get “great” at influence.  It is a skill to be built upon.

Simple formula: Reframe fear to a gift + be curious + be & feel empowered + be inclusive = road to accomplishing great things.

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