Emotional Intelligence - linked to success!
Emotional intelligence – Can you define its 5 elements? If you can’t….. read on as it is consistently and convincingly linked to success.
Emotional Intelligence (EI) has been talked about and posted so many times because it is strongly linked to success, but have you honestly reflected on where your EI stands. And perhaps there are a few versions of what makes up EI, but for simplicity let’s go with 5 common elements.
Let’s define the 5 elements and to keep it even more simple first think of EI in two halves:
50% about YOU
When dealing with “YOU” reflect on your;
1) self-awareness,
2) self-control
3) ability to express your feelings in a reasonable manner
and when you “ENGAGE WITH OTHERS” reflect on how you deal with them showing:
4) good judgement or common sense
5) empathy
And by the way if you say you don’t have empathy consider if you try to understand peoples’ perspective and show compassion as an alternative to empathy.
These 5 components can be simple and intuitive for some – yet for others it is a challenge to be worked on over time.
Good news it can be improved.
Are you willing to take a few minutes to reflect honestly and see where you are strong, and where you need to improve?
Summary: EI = YOU (awareness + control + reasonably express feelings) + OTHERS (good judgement + empathy) = improved business success