Be your own coach - the way to overcome stress in the workplace
When things get tough or stressful - be your own coach.
What would you tell a friend that was struggling with a work situation? And let’s say this friend was being really tough on themselves with a negative talk track.
Would you have something positive and constructive to tell them to help get them back on track?
How would you help them?
Would you remind them or ask them about their strengths?
Would you remind them of their past accomplishments to reinforce their ability to solve problems?
Would you ask them who they could go to for some guidance?
When they say they are stuck, would you ask them to give you at least one thing they could do to move forward?
I am guessing you would do all these things for your friend.
……So when you hit a point of struggle and are feeling a bit unconfident yourself, what is stopping you from running through these questions.
If you would help your friend out with a reality check -- what would stop you from doing this for yourself?