Imposter Syndrome - how to handle it

One Minute Viewpoint:

John Herdman - thank you for admitting Imposter Syndrome!  How do you handle it?

I had someone recently tell me, “there is nothing new about Imposter Syndrome” - and I completely agree. But -- what I think is important to recognize and what John Herdman (Coach of the Canadian men’s soccer team) shows us in his role taking the team to Qatar for the Fifa World Cup - is that even those at the top experience it! 

A recent (BBC) article gave us a look into how John Herdman handles imposter syndrome.  Yes, even he gets it. And koodoos to John for bravely admitting it.   

I took away 3 things that Herdman shared:

1) he was, in his words “willing to admit that stuff” (ie. imposter syndrome) and then

2) again, in his words "You must commit the mind to go all in” (ie. bravely embrace the challenge)

3) again, in his words “work harder to fill the gaps and innovate”.  (ie work hard on gaps in the plan, be creative in your approach and adjust as you learn more - or the situation changes)  

I will add on two more key thing to consider and which I believe John Herdman clearly demonstrates in his actions

4) Believe in yourself, but know you are not alone and there are those around you to help and

5) don’t let set-backs stop you - keep the goal in sight.  

With this attitude and plan you give yourself the best opportunity to achieve your goal…..despite how the imposter initially tried to stop you.   

Simple Summary:  recognize we all get imposter syndrome + bravely embrace challenge + be creative + constantly move forward + get others to help + keep vision steady despite setbacks

#imposter syndrome #career confidence #confidence #career coach #johnherdman


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